Tag: 7 mukhi rudraksha benefits

Magical Effects of this 4 Mukhi Rudraksha in 2023!

Magical Effects of this 4 Mukhi Rudraksha in 2023!

4 Mukhi Rudraksha has four lines (mukhi) on its surface. The presiding deity of this Rudraksha is Lord Brahma (one of the gods of the Hindu Trinity) who is the creator of the universe as well as the giver of wisdom and creativity.

A wearer of this Rudraksha becomes more knowledgeable as his powers of concentration and learning are manifold. Apart from this, the memory power also gets sharpened as a result of which he has the ability to absorb whatever knowledge he acquires.

This Rudraksha also positively affects the communication of a person so that he is able to use it to his advantage. Students wearing this Rudraksha are able to perform better in their studies due to increased memory power and concentration.

Four Mukhi Rudraksha is offered to Lord Brahma and dedicated to the four Vedas. It gives Dharma, Artha , Kama and Moksh. The use of this worth drives away mental worries and ailments; the person becomes spiritual and is blessed with wealth, good health, intelligence and power of speech. It removes worries and enhances spirituality is the most important Benefits of 4 Mukhi Rudraksha.

Four Mukhi Rudraksha can help you this ways:

  1. If your child is weak in studies or you yourself are getting failure in the field of education, then you should wear 4 Mukhi Rudraksha.
  2. The auspicious effect of this Rudraksha removes all kinds of problems related to knowledge and progeny.
  3. Four Mukhi Rudraksha is very beneficial for increasing concentration and for a person studying scientific studies and religious texts.
  4. In the horoscope, the planet gives power to Mercury. It gives knowledge and sharpens the brain.
  5. It is useful for doctors, engineers, research scholars, teachers, astrologers, students.
  6. Most important for students, if wear want the 4 Mukhi Rudraksha Benefits to increase their intelligence and confidence.
  7. It balances the thought process from negative to positive.
  8. The wearer becomes organized and focused in his thinking and behavior.
  9. It is highly beneficial for teachers, writers, students, businessmen, scholars, journalists and researchers.
  10. To enhance your memory power, you can soak three seeds of 4 Mukhi Rudraksha in warm milk for about 15 to 20 minutes, Remove the beads from the glass of milk and consume the milk.
  11. It helps in improving immunity.
  12. It increases the power of the mind to concentrate. It dispels darkness and confusion. This activates the 7 chakras to spin at high frequency.

Who should wear 4 Mukhi Rudraksha?

This Rudraksha is most beneficial for students, scientists, officers and all those people who are in computer, electronics and communication line.

What is the cost of 4 Mukhi Rudraksha?

The cost of Four Mukhi Rudraksha depends on the origin and size of the bead. 1 Mukhi Rudraksha from Nepal is very rare and found in nature. Sacred beads are available from South India and these beads are also very powerful.

However, if you’re seeking for 4 Mukhi Rudraksha Price, head over to HareKrishnaMart, an online retailer of religious goods, and place your order there.

What are the effects of Original Gauri Shankar Rudraksha?

The fact that the water in nature frequently has the potential to be contaminated with various gases, poisonous, or dirty is another problem that sadhus or sanyasis living in the wilderness must deal with. They cannot simply drink water from any pool. If sadhus drink it, it can render them helpless or even fatal. A Gauri Shankar rudraksha will revolve clockwise if the water is safe to drink and anticlockwise if it is harmful when it is held above water.

It also functions as a means of determining the caliber of the food. If you hold an original gauri shankar rudraksha above any effective pranic element, it will rotate clockwise. You may make any object with negative pranic energy rotate the other way by holding a Gauri Shankar rudraksha over it. Atlanta Shankar This powerful Gauri Shankar Rudraksha is renowned for its effectiveness and purity.

A Gauri Shankar rudraksha can be used as protection. It’s possible for people to think they’ll never have any bad luck, but this isn’t always the case. Say the person sitting next to you experienced it, but he is not vulnerable to it. You might comprehend it now that you’re sat next to him. You might get shot even though it’s not their purpose, much like when two individuals are shooting at each other on the street.

In a similar vein, these things can also happen. You could still experience it if you are in the wrong place at the wrong time even though it was not intended for you. Although there shouldn’t be anything to fear from such things, an Original Gauri Shankar Rudraksha mala acts as some form of defense. Therefore, for a better future, individuals should wear this rudraksha bead.

The following recommendations are included when wearing an Original Gauri Shankar Rudraksha:

  1. Daily adoration of the Gauri Shankar Rudraksha, Never give up on it.
  2. Keep the rudraksha in an area that is clean and close to the mandir.
  3. Sit on the aasan facing east after your morning wash.
  4. Keep all of your puja supplies nearby.
  5. The Ganga water jug should be kept nearby.
  6. The rudraksha bead should be cleaned with panchaamrit or panchgaveya.
  7. Keep the rudraksha bead on the plate.
  8. Keep an empty dish or vase handy to put the Pooja supplies in.
  9. It was ignited, the ghee light.
  10. Say the Pachaakshari Mantra three times.
  11. Never brag to outsiders about your Gauri Shankar Rudraksha beads.
  12. A Gauri Shankar Rudraksha with a broken bead should not be worn.
  13. Don’t give your bead to anyone.
  14. Avoid using chemical soap after wearing an original Gauri Shankar Rudraksha.
  15. Once you’ve put it on, only eat vegetarian food.
  16. Never drink alcohol after wearing a rudraksha.

Visit HareKrishnaMart to know more details about other spiritual items.

Why buy original 3 mukhi rudraksha?

This Rudraksha is said to be the form of the god of fire. Just as gold also purifies when it comes in contact with fire, similarly wearing three Mukhi Rudraksha purifies the mind and body of a person. This increases the ability to concentrate and concentrate. Original 3 Mukhi Rudraksha symbolizes the three deities (Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh). The person who wears this Rudraksha after proper siddhi (the method of purification and charging with mantra) will always get the blessings of the three powers and the support of the three gods.

The wearer of this Rudraksha is no longer an ordinary man as three Shakti always accompany the wearer which helps him to achieve success in all his works. There is practically no difference in saying, thinking and doing to the wearer of such Rudraksha. Rudraksha removes all sorrows and sorrows from the life of the wearer and makes life full of happiness and comfort. Three faced Rudraksha has three natural lines. This god is a symbol of Agni (fire). Agni (Agni) purifies everything in the same way, wearing 3 Mukhi Rudraksha gets rid of the sins that he had committed in his previous life and returns to the true life purely.

It is best for those who have fallen prey to inferiority complex or are fearful and suffering from self hatred or mental stress. In a short period of time after wearing it, the wearer feels his effect by achieving success in his efforts, favorable means, learning and knowledge. Modern physicists and allopathic doctors accept that a patient with fever, which comes after every 3 days, is cured. It has the trinity of the gods Brahma and Vishnu and Mahesh and the trinity of cows, sattva and rajas and tamas and all three are situated in the sky and the earth and the underworld with their divine powers.

This bead is the most sacred and powerful and best for its divine powers. Original 3 Mukhi Rudraksha Original bead is considered to be one of the most powerful Rudraksha to stop all the problems created in the past and going to happen in the present moment and in the future. This Rudraksha bead combined with suitable mantras helps to transform a person’s life for the better in 40 days to complete an initial mantra discipline. 3 Mukhi Rudraksha bead is a life saver. Another best quality of this is that it makes the wearer free from chronic fever.

Benefits of Original 3 Mukhi Rudraksha:

  1. It improves the digestive system and enhances health and strength of the body.
  2. Those people who feel less hungry or you are very ill, then you will also benefit from 3 Mukhi Rudraksha.
  3. This Rudraksha can also be worn to bring brightness and radiance on the face.
  4. Those who do jobs must wear 3 Mukhi Rudraksha as it gives them success in their field of work.
  5. The wearer gains the power of vision when blessed.
  6. Increases memory power, brightness of the skin, intelligence and intelligence.
  7. It is said to make the wearer fearless, courageous, and powerful and boosts self-confidence.
  8. It helps to tame the negative effects of Mars.

Visit – HareKrishnaMart to get more details about 7 Mukhi Rudraksha Benefits.

Significance of 7 mukhi Rudraksha!

Significance of 7 mukhi Rudraksha!

This Rudraksha is related to Seven Seasons. The person who wears this Rudraksha after proper Siddhi (method of purification and charging with mantra) will be satisfied like seven seas. He does not wish for more and runs each and every work in his available resources.This Rudraksha imparts such vast knowledge to the wearer that it proves to be incomparable in group discussions in meetings. He stands firm on his words and always speaks the truth. This Rudraksha is best suited for ministers, kings, writers, speakers etc.It represents Goddess Mahalakshmi. Good health and wealth is bestowed on the one who wears Seven Mukhi Rudraksha.

7 Mukhi Rudraksha is considered to be the representative of Goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth as well as Lord Kamadeva in some ancient texts. It is said to help improve vitality and health of a person.This Rudraksha is especially useful for wealth acquisition as it represents Goddess Lakshmi. This 7 Mukhi Rudraksha Original gives prosperity and happiness to the wearer.Seven Mukhi Rudraksha is a symbol of Anang Shiva. Seven Mukhi Rudraksha is SaptamadiDaivat, Saptashyadeva and SaptmuniDaivat. Those who are suffering from ailments related to body, finances and mental set-up should wear this.

7 mukhi rudraksha price

Benefits of 7 Mukhi Rudraksha:

  1. Seven Mukhi Rudraksha is worn for getting benefits in career and business.
  2. You can wear this Rudraksha to get the blessings of luck in difficult situations.
  3. Seven Mukhi Rudraksha is very beneficial to remove poverty from home and get financial prosperity.
  4. If you want to avoid the evil eye of Shani and please Shani Dev, then you can wear Seven Mukhi Rudraksha.
  5. A person suffering from joint pain and mental stress should also wear Seven Mukhi Rudraksha.
  6. The wearer of 7 Mukhi Rudraksha Benefits gives a lot of wealth and prosperity.
  7. It enhances job prospects and enables promotion in the job.
  8. It protects the wearer from any kind of mental, physical and monetary problems.
  9. 7 Mukhi Rudraksha removes the bad effect of Shani (Shani Dev) and is very useful during Sade Sati Dasha.
  10. It brings success and wealth to the businessman.
  11. Seven Mukhi Rudraksha gives wealth in all spheres of life like business, service and career, which brings prosperity and happiness.
  12. This Rudraksha also attracts good fortune, increased profits, financial security, creativity and enhanced intuition.
  13. It is specifically used to treat and reduce muscle pain caused by arthritis, according to ancient Vedic texts.
  14. This Rudraksha helps to conquer the malefic influence of Shani and its “Saande Sati” period.
  15. The wearer gets marital happiness. Increases sexual power and attracts the opposite sex.
  16. Health Benefits of Seven Mukhi Rudraksha
  17. According to ancient Vedic texts, Seven Mukhi Rudraksha is considered very effective in treating Shani-induced diseases like impotence, foot ailments, respiratory disorders and chronic ailments.
  18. According to ancient Vedic texts, 7 Mukhi Rudraksha is extremely beneficial in the treatment of asthma, paralysis, impotence, diseases related to feet, weakness, abdominal pain, epilepsy, retardation, abortion, problems in women, arthritis, purification and flow of sperms. Ojas (divine energy), respiratory disorders etc.

For more details on 7 mukhi Rudraksha price, explore – Harekrishnamart.